We believe that a Church is a company of baptized believers called out from the world, separated unto the Lord Jesus, voluntarily associated for the ministry of the Word, the mutual edification of its members, the propagation of the faith, and the observance of the ordinances. It is a sovereign independent body, exercising its own divinely awarded gifts, precepts, and privileges under the Lordship of Christ, the Great Head of the Church. We believe that its officers are pastors/elders and deacons. Matt 16:18; Matt 18:15-20; Acts 20:28-31; 1 Cor 1:1-3; 1 Cor 12:27-31; Eph 2:11-22; Eph 4:7; Eph 4:11-12; 1 Tim 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4; Rev 21:2-4