There are a number of ways you can give:
1.) Weekly boxed envelopes
- Visit the Welcome Center on Sunday morning
- One of our hosts will be able to connect you to our office personnel and issue a set of boxed envelopes or contact the church office if you would like a box of donation envelopes (
- Donate using the offering box located on the back wall of the sanctuary.
2.) Interact e-transfer
- Log in to your banking institutions on-line banking web page.
- Under the “INTERACT e-Transfer” service, add a contact
- Make a contact name (i.e., “PPBC”)
- Select “Notify by email”
- Enter the church email address (
- Once contact is added, then you can send money by:
- Under the “INTERACT e-Transfer” service, select a contact from the “Send Money To” drop-down list
- Select account money will be drawn from (if applicable)
- Enter amount (the amount is auto deposited no password is required)
- Enter a message as to where you want the donation attributed (i.e., general fund, building fund, missions etc.)
- If you are a first-time donor, please be sure to provide your full name and address for your receipt. Receipts are issued at the end of each calendar year.
3.) Debit or Credit through "Canada Helps"
- Finally, donations can be made using debit or credit through “Canada Helps”. There is a user fee, so you might want to give monthly rather than weekly. Using this method, your giving’s will be anonymous to the church and your charitable receipt will come from “Canada Helps”. This link will take you to the Canada Helps web page . To perform a charity search, look for “Port Perry Baptist Church”.
4.) Debit or Credit through " Giving"
- Finally, donations can be made using debit or credit through “ Giving”. There is a user fee, so you might want to give monthly rather than weekly. Using this method, your giving’s will be anonymous to the church and your charitable receipt will come from “ Giving”. This link will take you to the Giving web page .