Hello Church Family!
The past several weeks have been a strange time for our Church and the Church around to world. Here at PPBC, we have needed to learn new skills in technology and have experienced from our homes.
I will confess, this has been hard for me. I miss, hearing the children belting out their favourite songs, I miss hearing your voices, I miss seeing you pouring out your hearts to our great God. I long for the day we can be together again, but until then, I want to encourage you all with something that has strengthened my own heart. That is to sing out loud in your homes. I know this may sound awkward, but I know it will encourage you. Of course, I want you to sing with me on Sunday mornings, but I want to encourage you to sing throughout the week. So to help you with this, I want to post a song here each week with a small. encouragement to go along with is. I encourage you to learn the song and sing it throughout the day, and I pray God will encourage you as you do.
I want to start with a song that I have found to be encouraging to my own heart lately. The song is titled "I Will Wait For You (Psalm 30), by Jordan Kauflin, Matt Merker, Keith Getty, and Stuart Townend. The song is, of course, a rendition of Psalm 130 which I encourage you to read before listening to this song.
It is a marvellous thing that we can call upon the name of the LORD. He has forgiven our sins and called us his child, and so we trust in Him. As the songwriters exclaim, we wait for Him and on His Word, we rely. In these times of uncertainty, I pray you will look to our great and awesome God for your strength, comfort, and hope.
Enjoy this song, sing it out loud, to yourself and your family.